Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Baby Shower!

What a day!  My sister Maret threw a great party!  Lots of friends and family...delicious food...beautiful decor....and Tiny (which is what we nicknamed the baby for the time being) made out like a bandit! Thanks again to all who celebrated with us!  It was a perfect day:)

Maret and Emma...They are looking more and more a like!
Patty, Mimi, and Mary...These three go way back!
Kelsie, Aunt Marva, and Emo
Aunt Sally and Jill my sister in law
Emily and Jess my two besties!
Mary Kate with her signature silly face!
Better than Sweet Mandy B's
Fun Flower poms from Etsy

Emma and Gaga (The original Lady Gaga)

Emma,  Gigi, Mimi, Clare, Maret, and MaryKate

1 comment:

  1. OH MY...the blog has been spiffied UP!!! i sure do LOVE IT!! And the shower was simply divine!! LOVED it and love you, Ginny Reed...and Tiny Too! ;)

    (that last picture taken with the dirty lens is surely the best!! haaa!!)

